Win11 visual studio 2022 背景图片出不来
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <cmath>
#define PI 3.1415926
#define BULLET_SPEED 200
#define MAX_BULLETS 10000 // 最多子弹数
struct Point
float x, y;
struct Bullet {
Point position;
Point direction;
int speed;
int damage; // 添加伤害属性
// 怪物结构体定义
struct Monster {
int x, y; // 怪物位置
int hp; // 怪物血量
bool alive; // 怪物是否存活
// 英雄结构体定义
struct Hero {
int x, y; // 英雄位置
int hp; // 英雄血量
// 地图尺寸
const int WIDTH = 1280;
const int HEIGHT = 960;
// 游戏参数
const int HERO_SPEED = 10; // 英雄移动速度
const int BULLET_DAMAGE = 20; // 子弹伤害
const int MONSTER_MAX_HP = 500; // 怪物最大血量
const int MONSTER_SPEED = 50; // 怪物最大血量
const int HERO_MAX_HP = 100; // 英雄最大血量
// 地图节点结构体定义
typedef struct mapnode {
int number; // 地图编号
const char* src; // 地图文件路径
struct mapnode* next; // 指向下一个地图节点
} mapnode;
Bullet bullets[MAX_BULLETS]; // 子弹数组
int bullet_count = 0; // 当前子弹数
// 函数声明
Point calculateDirection(Point start, Point end);
void showmainmenu();
mapnode* createmaplist();
void runGame();
void updateMonsterPosition(Monster* monster, float deltaTime, int speed);
void updateBullet();
int main() {
IMAGE img;
return 0;
Point calculateDirection(Point start, Point end)
float dx = end.x - start.x;
float dy = end.y - start.y;
float length = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return { dx / length, dy / length };
void updateBullet()
Bullet bullet;
bullet.position = { 0, 0 };
bullet.direction = { 0, 0 };
bullet.speed = 200;
m = GetMouseMsg();
bullet.position.x = m.x;
bullet.position.y = m.y;
bullet.position.x += bullet.direction.x * bullet.speed;
bullet.position.y += bullet.direction.y * bullet.speed;
void showmainmenu() {
initgraph(528, 528);
settextstyle(80, 0, (LPCTSTR)"Times New Roman");
char* arr = (char*)"Kill Monsters";
int x, y;
x = 264 - textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) / 2;
y = 100 - textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) / 2;
outtextxy(x, y, (LPCTSTR)"Kill Monsters");
settextcolor(RGB(154, 167, 177));
outtextxy(x + 5, y + 5, (LPCTSTR)arr);
arr = (char*)"Start Game";
settextstyle(40, 0, (LPCTSTR)"Arial"); // Changed the font to Arial
x = 264 - textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) / 2;
y = 250 - textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) / 2;
fillroundrect(x - 20, y - 20, x + textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20, y + textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20, 20, 20);
outtextxy(x, y, (LPCTSTR)arr);
arr = (char*)"version 0.1";
settextstyle(20, 0, (LPCTSTR)"Arial"); // Changed the font to Arial
outtextxy(450, 500, (LPCTSTR)arr);
settextstyle(40, 0, (LPCTSTR)"Arial"); // Changed the font to Arial
arr = (char*)"Start Game";
ExMessage msg;
int flag = 0;
while (1) {
if (peekmessage(&msg, EM_MOUSE)) {
switch (msg.message) {
if (msg.x >= x - 20 && msg.x <= x + textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20 && msg.y >= y - 20 && msg.y <= y + textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20) {
flag = 1;
if (msg.x >= x - 20 && msg.x <= x + textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20 && msg.y >= y - 20 && msg.y <= y + textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20) {
setfillcolor(RGB(154, 167, 177));
fillroundrect(x - 20 + 1, y - 20 + 1, x + textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) + 21, y + textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) + 21, 20, 20);
outtextxy(x, y, (LPCTSTR)arr);
else {
fillroundrect(x - 20, y - 20, x + textwidth((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20, y + textheight((LPCTSTR)arr) + 20, 20, 20);
outtextxy(x, y, (LPCTSTR)arr);
if (flag == 0) {
else {
mapnode* createmaplist() {
mapnode* head = (mapnode*)malloc(sizeof(mapnode));
if (!head) return NULL;
head->number = 1;
head->src = "C:/Users/朱玺/Desktop/IMG/MAP1.jpg";
head->next = NULL;
mapnode* second = (mapnode*)malloc(sizeof(mapnode));
if (!second) {
return NULL;
second->number = 2;
second->src = "C:/Users/朱玺/Desktop/IMG/MAP2.jpg";
second->next = NULL;
head->next = second;
return head;
void runGame() {
initgraph(1280, 800);
Hero hero;
hero.x = 0;
hero.y = 300;
hero.hp = HERO_MAX_HP;
IMAGE xiang;
loadimage(&xiang, _T("C:\\Users\\朱玺\\Desktop\\IMG\\ren.jpg"));
putimage(hero.x, hero.y, &xiang);
Monster monster;
monster.x = 1280;
monster.y = 400;
monster.hp = MONSTER_MAX_HP;
monster.alive = true;
IMAGE character1;
loadimage(&character1, _T("C:\\Users\\朱玺\\Desktop\\IMG\\guai.jpg"));
if (monster.alive)
putimage(monster.x, monster.y, &character1);
mapnode* currentMap = createmaplist();
float deltaTime;
clock_t lastTime = clock();
while (monster.alive) {
clock_t currentTime = clock();
deltaTime = (float)(currentTime - lastTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
updateMonsterPosition(&monster, deltaTime, MONSTER_SPEED);
lastTime = currentTime;
// 主循环
while (1) {
// 如果怪物还活着,显示地图
if (monster.alive) {
IMAGE map;
loadimage(&map, _T(currentMap->src));
putimage(0, 0, &map);
// 键盘输入处理
if (_kbhit())
char key =_getch();
printf("%c", key);
key = tolower(key);
switch (key) {
case 'w': hero.y -= HERO_SPEED; break;
case 's': hero.y += HERO_SPEED; break;
case 'a': hero.x -= HERO_SPEED; break;
case 'd': hero.x += HERO_SPEED; break;
// 处理鼠标点击事件
while (MouseHit()) {
m = GetMouseMsg();
Bullet bullet;
Point start = { hero.x, hero.y }; // 初始位置
bullet.direction.x = m.x; // 鼠标当前的x坐标
bullet.direction.y = m.y; // 鼠标当前的y坐标
Point end = { bullet.direction.x, bullet.direction.y }; // 目标位置
bullet.position = { 0, 0 };
bullet.direction = calculateDirection(start, end);
bullet.speed = 200; // 子弹的速度
bullet.damage = 50; // 设置子弹伤害为50
// 子弹在屏幕内移动
while ((abs(bullet.position.x - end.x) > bullet.speed || abs(bullet.position.y - end.y) > bullet.speed)
&& bullet.position.x >= 0 && bullet.position.x <= 1800
&& bullet.position.y >= 0 && bullet.position.y <= 600)
updateBullet(); // 更新子弹位置
circle(bullet.position.x, bullet.position.y, 10);
std::cout << "Bullet position: (" << bullet.position.x << ", " << bullet.position.y << ")\n";
// 计算子弹和怪物之间的距离
double distance = sqrt(pow(bullet.position.x - monster.x, 2) + pow(bullet.position.y - monster.y, 2));
// 如果距离小于10,怪物受到伤害
if (distance < 10) {
monster.hp -= bullet.damage;
if (monster.hp <= 0) {
// 如果怪物的生命值小于或等于0,怪物死亡
monster.alive = false;
// 更新怪物状态
if (monster.alive) {
updateMonsterPosition(&monster, deltaTime, MONSTER_SPEED);
// 如果怪物死亡,更换地图
if (!monster.alive) {
currentMap = currentMap->next;
// 刷新屏幕
// 延迟
// 关闭图形窗口
void updateMonsterPosition(Monster* monster, float deltaTime, int speed) {
monster->x += 1800-deltaTime * speed;
monster->y += (rand() % 21) - 10;